
In this class, you’ll produce four writing projects using different methods of inquiry. All four projects will investigate the broad question, What does it mean to connect in today’s world? Each piece will go through multiple drafts and revisions, and every version must be accompanied by an author’s note—always (see information about the author’s note under “Evaluation”). All assignments are available on the course website and all work will be submitted there as well.

Project One, Connecting Home (1000-1200 words): In this narrative composition, you’ll inquire into and develop a claim about your connection to/disconnection from home and how that connection/disconnection affects you in the present. [Outcomes 1, 3]

Project Two, Connecting within Communities (1000-1200 words): In this composition, you’ll inquire into and make a claim about how a specific community uses language (including non-verbal language) to establish group connections and create group culture. [Outcomes 1, 2, 3]

Project Three, Technology and Connection (1000-1200 words): In this text-based research composition, you’ll inquire into and synthesize how technology is affecting human connection in the face of present challenges (a global pandemic, protests for social justice) Your synthesis must use at least 5 sources, cited in MLA format with a Works Cited page. [Outcomes 1, 2, 3]

Final Course Reflection (500 words, 5-6 slides, 3-minute presentation): For your final assignment, you’ll reflect on the work you’ve done this semester and, in a brief illustrated essay presented during our final exam period, offer your own answer to the question, “What does it mean to me to connect in today’s world and how does writing foster those connections?” [Outcomes 1, 2, 3]

Peer Response Peer response—both receiving and providing feedback—is an important part of the writing process. Many students note that they learn most from reading each other’s work, which not only allows them to see other models for writing, but also helps them read their own work critically. Peer response, thus, will be evaluated and will contribute to the final grade in this course. [Outcome 3]

Reading Responses Inquiry involves reading as well as writing. The reading you are assigned to do in this course includes both texts about writing as well as texts about our course theme of connection. To help you read assigned texts critically, rhetorically, and strategically, you’ll often be asked to write brief responses, guided by a prompt, and to discuss your responses in class or in small groups. [Outcome 1, 2]

Final Exam Date

Wednesday, May 5 from 2 pm - 4:30 pm CT

According to the Faculty/Staff Handbook's Final Evaluative Exercise Policy, TCU requires a “final evaluative exercise in all classes.” In ENGL 10803, the final will be a scripted presentation that will take place at our final exam time.

Arrangements for rescheduling a final (Faculty/Staff Handbook “Rescheduling of Finals” ) must be made one week prior to the last day of classes as stated in the university calendar. Rescheduling of final examinations is permitted 1) for meeting the 24-hour rule or 2) for graduating seniors whose faculty members must submit final grades by Wednesday 5pm of finals week. Unless the student is graduating, the exam must be taken during final examination week.


Project Portfolios For each writing project of the semester, you’ll complete several drafts, engage in peer review, and complete substantive revisions. You’ll submit all of this work to the course website with an author’s note explaining what you learned in the unit and how the contents of your portfolio demonstrate that learning. Be as specific as possible, especially regarding the various choices you made in your writing across drafts and about how you met the learning outcomes of that unit. Remember that the author’s note is evaluated as part of your portfolio grade.

Due dates for writing project portfolios are specified on the course website. Each writing project portfolio will receive a percentage grade out of 100 based on specific evaluation rubrics for each assignment.

Outcome(s) Assignments, Exams/Quizzes, Presentations Percentage Points
1, 3 Project 1 Portfolio: Connecting Home 15% 100
1, 2, 3 Project 2 Portfolio: Connecting within Communities 20% 100
1, 2, 3 Project 3 Portfolio: Technology and Connection 25% 100
1, 2, 3 Final Course Reflection and Presentation 15% 100
1, 2 Reading Responses 15% 60 (6 @ 10 pts)
3 Peer Response 10% 30 (3 @ 10 pts)
Grade Score
A 94–100
A- 90–93.99
B+ 87–89.99
B 84–86.99
B- 80–83.99
C+ 77–79.99
Grade Score
C 74–76.99
C- 70–73.99
D+ 67–69.99
D 64–66.99
D- 60–63.99
F 0–59.99

Revising Graded Writing

You may choose to revise either or both Projects 1 and 2 after they have been graded If you believe there is more you can learn from continuing to work on them. If you decide to revise, you’ll need to:

  • write a revision plan in which you assess your text and describe the work you want to do in revision;
  • submit the revision plan within one week of receiving your grade;
  • schedule a conference to meet with me to discuss your plan.

Submit your revision, with author’s note detailing the changes you made and why, along with your graded Portfolio, within three weeks of initially receiving the graded Project Portfolio.

If you submitted your original writing project late, the late penalty will still apply to the revised essay. (Note: if you turn in a revision plan and then decide not to revise, there is no penalty.)

Grading Concerns

If you would like to discuss my evaluation of your work, please wait 24 hours after receiving a grade to ensure adequate time for reviewing my comments and to identify areas of concern. For substantive concerns about your grade in this class, you may contact Professor Carrie Leverenz, Director of Composition, at Be sure to put “Grade Concern” in the subject line. Additional information about grade appeals can be found at the university’s policy for grade appeals.

Late Work

All work is due to the course website as specified in the course calendar. Turning in late work limits the feedback you can receive and decreases the time you have to complete the next assignment. If specific circumstances are hindering your ability to complete work by the due date, consult with your instructor as soon as possible, preferably before work is due.

Late project portfolios will be penalized unless a) the student has an official university absence or b) the instructor has agreed to late submission in advance of the due date. Reading Responses and peer responses will not be accepted late.