Video Object/Place Lesson

Due: Friday, January 29 at 4 pm CT on TCU Online to "Discussion Board"

To help you begin thinking about your connection to (or disconnection from) home, look around your room or living space and identify an object—a physical thing—that represents a connection to home. (Do not choose your phone, even though it literally connects you to home—look for something surprising or unique.) Feel free to write for a few minutes about the object itself. Describe it, try to remember a story about it, explain how it connects you to home and how that connection affects you/society in the present.

Then, make a brief video/presentation/composition of yourself with your object, explaining what it is and how it represents a connection to home. You can read from your notes or just talk about your object. Be sure your video includes :

  • Your name
  • Where you’re from (where you consider your home to be)
  • The object/place/institution
  • How it affects you in the present
  • What does the object/place/institution say about society?

To make your video, you can use the Video Note feature on our course website. Video notes are limited to 3 minutes. Directions for making Video Notes appear under >Content>Start Here>TCU Online Tools>How to Use the Video Note tool.

Since you’ll be posting your Video Object Lesson to the Discussion Board, you can actually make your video there. Go to Activities>Discussions>Video Object Lesson>Video Object Lesson>Start a New Thread. Type your name in the subject line, then click on the arrow in the upper left to "Insert Stuff." Choose "Insert Video Note."

If you make your video using another tool, you'll need to upload your video file to the Discussion board as an attachment.