Project 3: Connecting with Fort Worth (Text-based Inquiry)

As students at an institution situated in the Fort Worth community, it’s important to know the area and its social conditions. In Project 3, we’re exploring Fort Worth. Identify a social issue relevant to the Fort Worth community and explain it through text-based research.

Text-Based Inquiry

Text-based inquiry involves using academic research-based sources to answer a specific research question. Text-based inquiry begins with developing a research question of appropriate scope and then using library databases and other research tools to find sources which address that question from different perspectives. After assessing sources for relevance, currency, reliability, and perspective, you’ll read your sources carefully, noting how the information they provide helps you answer your research question. You’ll then report the answer you’ve come up with, using (and documenting) your sources as evidence to support your claims.

The Assignment

Text-based inquiry is a method of studying and understanding a situation using textual information.

What's the Assignment?

After identifying a social issue relevant to Fort Worth, read and synthesize a sufficient number of pertinent and reliable sources. You’ll present your research findings in a 7-9 Google Slide format that draws on at least 5 sources. Include a works cited slide (doesn’t count toward the slide number). Use TCU’s library databases and other search tools to find sources to help you answer your question. At this stage, you may find that you need to focus and/or revise your research question and then search for more sources. Identify at least five relevant and reliable sources representing multiple perspectives that can help you answer your research question fully. Then read and take careful notes on your sources, focusing specifically on how they help you answer your question. Create an annotated bibliography of those sources.

Once you are satisfied that you have a full and informed answer that takes account of multiple perspectives, you’re ready to construct your presentation. Make appropriate use of visuals and text in the slides.

Assignment Objectives:
  • Identify a social issue relevant to Fort Worth
  • Develop and revise a research question
  • Locate relevant textual sources using TCU library databases and other search tools
  • Assess the relevance, reliability, and perspective of sources
  • Create an annotated bibliography
  • Use and cite sources according to conventions of MLA style
  • Construct a presentation demonstrating thorough understanding of a subject using synthesis of text-based research
Course Learning Outcomes:
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to write in a range of genres, using appropriate rhetorical conventions.
  • Students will demonstrate competency in reading, quoting and citing sources, as well as competency in balancing their own voices with secondary sources.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to employ flexible strategies for generating and revising their writing.

Due Dates for Project/Portfolio in Student Google Folder
  • Invention Activity: 04/07 at 2:00 pm CT
  • Research Plan: 04/09 at 4:00 pm CT
  • Annotated Bibliography: 04/16 at 4:00 pm CT
  • First Draft: 04/19 at 1:00 pm CT
  • Final Draft: 04/21 at 2:00 pm CT
  • Presentations: 04/21-04/26 during class

Criteria Incomplete/Not Submitted Emerging Developing Meets Expectations Distinguished
Cover Memo (5%)

Explain what you learned in this unit and what contributed to your learning. Be sure to discuss what you learned about text-based inquiry, about writing, and about researching. Include whose composition you gave feedback to.

Focus (15%)

A connection to Fort Worth is established. There is a clear controlling idea/question; the controlling idea/question goes beyond the obvious, demonstrating insight that results from inquiry.

Support (15%)

The controlling idea/question is supported by text-based evidence and appropriate number of sources. Evidence seems pertinent and credible to the topic at hand.

Organization/Structure (10%)

The composition is organized to draw the audience in, maintain interest, and offer insights. Appropriate use of visuals.

Style (10%)

There is effective use of source integration. Clear meaning is conveyed throughout the composition.

Presentation (5%)

The presentation conveyed the information clearly and presenter demonstrated knowledge of the topic and stays within allotted time.

Drafting and Revision (5%)

Complete drafts, with author’s notes, are submitted on time. Revision demonstrates attention to peer and teacher feedback.

Annotated Bibliography (35%)

Five sources with appropriate summary, strengths, weaknesses, and relevance to research question. Author makes connections between sources. At minimum, three peer-reviewed articles.